
If You Feel Like This After a Car Accident, See a Chiropractor

Car accidents of all shapes and sizes are unfortunate. Some accidents are minor nuisances but others can be tragic; however, the potential for personal injury is present in nearly all cases.

You can be injured in any type of accident, even a fender bender, and sometimes you might not even know it. Aside from visible damage to your body, you could have a very treatable injury if addressed quickly. At Veeva Chiropractic, we recommend visiting a chiropractor if you have symptoms like these after a car accident:

It Might Be More Than a Sore Neck

One of the most common “invisible” car accident injuries is whiplash and the kicker is you might not really notice until well after the event. If you develop headaches, dizziness, or pain in your upper back and neck; those are signs of whiplash and you should see a chiropractor.


Ligament and Muscle Damage

Another unseen injury with car accidents is micro-tears in various ligaments and muscles. If you wake up the next morning in a great deal of pain, these types of tears are the likely culprit and X-rays won’t spot them.

A chiropractor can apply targeted manipulations to realign your spinal cord and reduce inflammation.

Lower Back Pain

Accidents involving twisting or other significant movement can cause severe damage to you back, especially the lower spinal cord and surrounding muscles. Lower back injuries are incredibly painful and debilitating, but also treatable with timely and consistent treatment from a qualified doctor.

Numbness or Tingling

If you experience numbness in your hands or feet, or tingling muscles, it could be a result of trauma to your spinal column. It is no surprise that upwards of 20 percent of auto accident victims experience this type of injury and chiropractic visits can dramatically improve your condition and lead to much quicker recovery.

Be Proactive

The best approach to car accident injuries is to be proactive. Don’t wait to seek treatment; this only contributes to longer-term pain and further damage to already injured muscles or nerves. A chiropractor can accurately diagnose an injury and initiate targeted rehabilitation if you reach out immediately after an accident.

An additional benefit to responsive chiropractic care is a more seamless transition with insurance claims. Most insurance companies are more likely to settle positively if claimant has sought applicable treatment.

Don’t hesitate to contact the expert staff at Veeva Chiropractic Clinic to discuss treatment options. Call us today at (503) 782-6108.